We design fun, action-packed timetables, from outdoor learning and enrichment, problem-solving challenges to good old adrenaline-fuelled outdoor activities. We can cater your experience with us to be curriculum-focused where necessary.
Outdoor Education is More Important Now Than Ever
Here’s a reminder of the benefits:
1. Disconnect to reconnect
Get off the screens - we consume so much through our phones, and how many notification pings do you get a day?!
A day away from phones, computers, iPads, TV’s instantly helps make you feel more present in your surroundings. Taking time to move away from our digital way of life gives the mind space to fully take in and connect with our surroundings. We don't often get the chance to fully disconnect in our digital world.
2. Socialising with peers and teachers
A change of environment for the class offers a great opportunity to develop communication skills and build stronger relationships with peers and teachers. For some students the outdoors is where they might excel the most which can help develop stronger bonds and give them a new sense of confidence to take back into the classroom.
3. Be Active
From teamwork and problem-solving tasks such as raft building and low ropes, learning a new skill such as climbing, kayaking or bushcraft, and adrenaline-fuelled experiences such as abseiling, caving or skiing, each of our activities offers an opportunity for students to venture out of their comfort zone.
4. Challenge & Perseverance
We’ve all been through a lot of challenges, particularly over the past couple of years with the unprecedented changes in the world. Outdoor adventure allows young people to continue to build resilience, expand their comfort zone and grow in confidence. Spending time in Mother Nature that often has a mind of its own and continues to change year by year also helps to develop adaptability, allowing students to become more able to identify hazards and risks.
5. Appreciate nature
Get your class to develop a love, appreciation, and respect for nature and all that is living by exploring our 250-acre site. Walking through our ancient woodland and exploring our rare grasslands; there are plenty of moments to take in the natural surroundings and gain a closer connection with nature.
With our current climate crisis and the rise of climate anxiety amongst the younger generation, there’s no better time to immerse yourself in the natural world to feel more connected.
Find out more about our outdoor learning experiences in the heart of the Mendip Hills at www.mendip.co.uk/education